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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

DM: guest: Miron Amusia: Effect of electron exchange on atomic ionization in a strong electric field

Specific properties of Hartree-Fock equations due to exchange and non-linearity are considered. Particular attention is given to an atom in a strong electric static field. It is demonstrated that exchange between outer and inner electrons, taken into account by the so-called Fock term affects strongly the long-range behavior of the inner electron wave function. As a result, it dramatically increases its probability to be ionized.
A simple model is analyzed demonstrating that the decay probability, compared to the case of a local (Hartree) atomic potential, increases by many orders of magnitude. As a result of such increase, the ratio of inner to outer electrons ionization probability became not too small.
It is essential that the effect of exchange upon probability of inner electron ionization by strong electric field is proportional to the square of the number of outer electrons. It signals that in clusters of fullerenes the inner electron ionization by strong field, the very fact of which is manifested by e.g. high energy quanta emission, has to be essentially increased as compared to this process in gaseous atomic objects.