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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

DM extraordinaire: Will & Henry:Talk and Poster presentation for Toulouse and Erice

Will: Poster Erice Summer school: Compression of multi-millijoule pulses using circular polarization with a differentially pumped hollow-fiber

We have compared the performance of a hollow-fiber pulse compression system using both statically filled and differentially pumped configurations. The fibre is seeded using 3mJ, carrier-envelope phase stabilized pulses with either linear or circular polarization. We have found that the most desirable performance of the system is achieved by combining the use of circularly polarized pulses with differential pumping. In this case, a significantly higher energy transmission was measured at 1bar helium pressure, compared with the transmissions for differential pumping with linear polarization, and for both polarization cases under static fill. For a differentially pumped fiber, the broadest spectra were found at 3bar for both polarizations. Linear and circular polarizations both produced spectra supporting sub-4-fs pulse durations, but a higher energy transmission was observed in the circularly polarized case. The performace of the system is improved by differential pumping and circularly polarized pulses as a result of reduced ionization and self-focusing at the fiber entrance. We envisage that our technique will be useful for increasing the energy of few-cycle pulses, for strong field experiments at higher intensities.

Henry: Talk Toulouse FASTQUAST YEP meeting: High-order Harmonic generation from plasma plumes at KHz repetition rate

I am giving my first scientific talk outside of imperial at the YEP meeting in Toulouse in just under a couple of weeks. So I would like to run through the presentation I plan to give and get your feedback. In this talk I will be presenting the some of the resent progress we have with HHG for plasma plumes at KHz repetition rate, including the presence of Quantum path signature and resonant enhancement of certain harmonics from particular tarjets.